Showing posts with label The Trojans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Trojans. Show all posts

Wednesday 14 March 2012

STOP PRESS: Beat-Crazed Boffins trounced by Daniella (2)

More views of - or before - Cambridge Film Festival 2012
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15 March

A timely comment on the earlier posting (only 11 days after the fact) from The One Who Shall Not Be Named provokes the following response (with the consent and also agreement of Bray King himself). (In the manner of awards ceremonies, we, the undersigned Members of the Grand Order of Walrus, take your three statements in reverse order):

I smell a police horse
We are (as are all careful readers of The Daily Splodge*) already aware, Anonymous Being, of your fondness for not smelling just police horses in the round (as it were), but, specifically, Trojan.

Despite the numerous remonstrations of PC Bob Markham at the nature and duration of what you call your 'olfactory exercises', you have continued these offensive practices. It is, therefore, apt, that Horseferry Road Magistrates' Court has already, in advance of hearing the full case of obstructing Officers Trojan and Markham in the conduct of their duties, granted an injunction with a power of arrest attached to it.

Why you wish to be so candid about your nefarious business we do not know, but it does usefully assist us in demonstrating the kind of person who goes on (if it didn't precede the above statement) to assert:

Something else is going on here, for sure
Pithily, we merely choose to retort that, if it is so clear to you, Anonymous Being, that what you have been told is not to be credited, then you advance no basis for your alternative view of something else [...] going on here.

Our lawyer, Antrobus O'Rourke (no relation) advised us not to state more than that we know where, in the case of your making that comment, here is, and what, almost certainly, 'goes on' at that place, which throws into relief when you propound:

Nah, the Boffins have been clean for years
Mr King tells us that, since he took over the task four years ago, he can vouch as a matter of knowledge that the Boffins have, indeed, been dusted once per week and polished to a high sheen on a monthly basis. He has every reason to believe that an unbroken chain of dusting, polishing and even buffing (before that became invasive), goes back to the time of Gregory Paul (which, as he remarks, is saying something).

However, we simply do not comprehend, Anonymous Being, what Axe you have to grind (to quote the title of BCB's immortal hit).


Signed this 15th day of March 2012

Hilary Apps
Judith Meganwhite-Hurley
Augustus M. McMayhew

Hector Stravinsky
Corinna Steerpike
J. S. Bart

Igor Berlioz
Bob Markham
Trapezoid O'Rourke

Oliver Sackbutt-Morgan
John Sackbutt III
Morgan Oliver

Rhomboid O'Rourke


* In which Mr King's shareholding, being below 25%, cannot be considered significant.

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Harriet and Hector

More views of - or after - Cambridge Film Festival 2011
(Click here to go directly to the Festival web-site)

15 February

Perhaps evidence for 'the collective unconscious', perhaps the Orchestra of the Age of the Enlightenment has just been reading my mind (or I its), but Berlioz was on my mind yesterday, when I heard announced on Radio 3 how he had wrought his own libretto for The Trojans, just as he did - as I blogged about last year - with L'enfance du Christ.

He was still on my mind just now, as I indulged one of the themes from the symphony that both threatened his union with Harriet Smithson and, strangely, brought them together. Still loudly humming it, I was moved to search for (the name of) Harriet, and soon found this link to the OAE for last night's concert*:

I have no doubt that it was good, and I wish well all who had the chance to hear it!


* My mistake for assuming - there was no concert, but this was 'a trail-blazer' for things Berlioz to come from the OAE, so maybe see you there...