Showing posts with label Harriet Smithson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Harriet Smithson. Show all posts

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Harriet and Hector

More views of - or after - Cambridge Film Festival 2011
(Click here to go directly to the Festival web-site)

15 February

Perhaps evidence for 'the collective unconscious', perhaps the Orchestra of the Age of the Enlightenment has just been reading my mind (or I its), but Berlioz was on my mind yesterday, when I heard announced on Radio 3 how he had wrought his own libretto for The Trojans, just as he did - as I blogged about last year - with L'enfance du Christ.

He was still on my mind just now, as I indulged one of the themes from the symphony that both threatened his union with Harriet Smithson and, strangely, brought them together. Still loudly humming it, I was moved to search for (the name of) Harriet, and soon found this link to the OAE for last night's concert*:

I have no doubt that it was good, and I wish well all who had the chance to hear it!


* My mistake for assuming - there was no concert, but this was 'a trail-blazer' for things Berlioz to come from the OAE, so maybe see you there...