Thursday 15 September 2011

Tell the Truth (1)

More views of - or at (or before) - Cambridge Film Festival 2011
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15 September

I wasn't expecting Wakefield Express, because I'd forgotten that it was on the bill (it was a while since I'd booked), and wasn't in the right mood for it.

But, although I wasn't in the right mood for anything, I still enjoyed the man with an interest in budgies who'd arranged for Mussolini's white horse to pull the carriage for some special occasion. In 1952, he was looking to a royal event, whereas the man who grew and smoked his own tobacco had in mind cheaper cigarettes.

It was good also to see linotype machines - not acknowledged as a trademark - in operation, and the means of producing a weekly local paper (or five) then. But maybe it didn't all fit together, with a lot of time spent on following a reporter on his posed rounds with the police, vicar and town hall staff, and then much material in between, which, however informative, interrupted the flow with details of the local area and the owners of the papers, before we came to looking at putting the paper together.

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